Boric Acid I.P

Product Description

Boric acid IP, also called hydrogen borate, boracic acid, orthoboric acidand acidum boricum, is a weak, monobasic Lewis acid of boron often used as an antiseptic, insecticide, flame retardant, neutron absorber, or precursor to other chemical compounds.

Physical Appearance & Properties

It has the chemical formula H3BO3 (sometimes written B(OH)3), and exists in the form of colorless crystals or a white powder that dissolves in water. When occurring as a mineral, it is called sassolite.

Medicinal Us

Boric acid can be used as an antiseptic for minor burns or cuts and is sometimes used in dressings or salves. Boric acid is applied in a very dilute solution as an eye wash. Dilute boric acid can be used as a vaginal douche to treat bacterial vaginosis due to excessive alkalinity. As an antibacterial compound, boric acid can also be used as an acne treatment. It is also used as prevention of athlete's foot, by inserting powder in the socks or stockings, and in solution can be used to treat some kinds of otitis externa (ear infection) in both humans and animals. Boric acid solutions used as an eye wash or on abraded skin are known to be toxic, particularly to infants, especially after repeated use, this is because of its slow elimination rate.


  • Effective usage
  • Precise composition
  • Free from impurities

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